Navigating through the Storms

After making more than 4000 air gun shots along the first line, the ship was back at the start of the line. Then we turned around, and started to recover the OBS along the line. Sailing during the hurricane season on North Atlantic Ocean, we carefully monitor the storms in this region. As tropical storm Idalia is approaching us, we just stopped recovering OBS from our current location, and started to transit away from the storm.

Klay and Elika are looking at the wave height forecast.

We may transit to the end of the first line and resume recovering OBS from the end. Depending on the projection of the storm, it is also possible that we head south and deploy OBS along the second or third lines before recovering line one.

A map showing the current wave height. The larger storm on the right side has been there since we sailed. Now Idalia (the smaller one on the left) is going to sweep this region. Our OBS sites are shown by the blue labels. The ship indicates our current location. This figure is made by Aaron.

Aaron, the artist of drawing ship on Microsoft Paint, is holding a rGPS antenna.


An Introduction to OBS


Daily Life on board